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About us

At Dance, we believe getting where you want to go should be simple and sustainable.

About Dance

With our electric mobility subscription, members can easily explore their city with an electric bike or moped while benefiting from included maintenance and repairs.
Both individuals and businesses can make convenient and fun mobility choices without the investment of ownership: membership is flexible.

Man riding on the street on a Dance bike

Our movement

Our empowered community members share a passion for doing the right thing: for themselves, their neighbors and, ultimately, the planet. We believe small changes to our everyday habits can make a big difference, so let's get moving.

Side view of three people along with Dance bikes

Our mission

Ultimately, Dance believes that the more people use electric mobility, we can create more connected and livable cities. Dance is currently live in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Paris.

The company was founded by SoundCloud founders Eric Quidenus-Wahlforss and Alexander Ljung, together with the co-founder of Jimdo, Christian Springub.

View of a Dance bike in between two women chatting