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Boost your wellbeing this winter
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The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting chillier, but that doesn’t mean you should say goodbye to your social life and hibernate until spring. Here’s your guide on how to ride out the winter months.
Every year we begin the slow descent into cancelled plans, sluggish minds and bodies, and eventually, hibernation. Whether you suffer from seasonal depression or just generally dislike the colder months, it can be really tough to give your mind and body what they need when the weather is less than inviting. Here are some tips on how you can take care of your mind and body so that winter becomes easier to tolerate, and maybe even enjoyable! 
Stay social
After two winters in a row of social isolation, it might feel natural to just stay home and retreat from the world as it gets colder. But staying in touch with friends and meeting regularly will do wonders for your mental health. Organize dinners, cozy nights in, or walks in the park on sunny days to stay in touch with the people you love and keep your social life healthy.
Keep it moving
Although it can be tough to plan activities and exercise in the middle of winter, all you really need is a minimum of 20 minutes a day of outdoor exercise to reduce symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder. To make this more achievable, we recommend finding ways to integrate some movement into your daily routine.
The easiest way to do this is riding a bike instead of walking or taking the public transportation to make your commutes and errand-running more active (and enjoyable). Not only do you get some fresh air while staying warm in the right gear, you get some easy-on-the-joints cardio that doesn’t feel like exercise but has a great impact on both your mental and physical health.
By jumping on your bike every time you need to go somewhere, you can easily get 20 minutes of exercise into your day without drastically changing your schedule and habits. 
The best thing about winter? It’s the time of year when everything slows down, and we can indulge in some coziness.
Treat yourself to nice baths, and snuggling under your blankets. Fulfill your senses with tea, cocoa, and delicious pies and cakes, and treat yourself to slow, soulful activities like listening to records and reading.
The nice thing is all these activities are just as nice to do on your own as they are with friends. Enjoy the slow-life of winter before things pick up again when the days get longer. 
We hope this winter will be the one that makes you see the beauty in the slower time of year. Enjoy the coziness, winter snacks, and the opportunity to take it easy for a few months!

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